Mission District San Francisco Blog - Page 66 of 90


Immigrant Heritage Month Story: MEDA’s Teresa Morales

I came from Mexico to this country as a teenager with my parents and 13 brothers and sisters. We lived in a labor camp and worked long hours in the fields of the Salinas Valley. After learning English, I was fortunate to get an internship with a local TV station. Thus began a rapidly advancing career…

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Client Success Story: Hector Ayala’s Taxing Situation Remedied

Hector Ayala is a friendly, dignified 82-year-old Mission resident who likes the feel of a paintbrush in his hand. Now, we’re not talking slapping a new coat of paint on houses: Hector has been painting San Francisco street scenes for years in his rental space on San Carlos Street. All was fine until 2007, when a…

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Mission Promise Neighborhood Data Sharing Among Partners Now a Reality

“The price of light is less than the cost of darkness.” –Arthur C. Nielsen, market researcher and founder of ACNielsen  The need and challenge Michelle Reiss-Top (photo, top right) definitely understands the aforementioned quote about data. MEDA’s technology and data systems manager was tasked with implementing and optimizing Salesforce internally–a Herculean task by itself. Imagine…

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A Movement is Started, Even as a Pause on Mission Luxury Housing Falls Just Short of Passage

As it neared midnight on Tuesday, after many hours of impassioned debate and testimony from the community, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors failed to pass a 45-day pause on Mission luxury housing. The vote was seven ayes and four nays, two short of what is required for passage. While District 9 Supervisor Campos’ measure went…

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MEDA to Appear at “SF Housing Expo 2015″ on June 20th

“We are in our new home, which we love! Thanks, MEDA, for the invaluable assistance in putting us on the path that led us here.” —MEDA First-Time Homebuyer clients Chris and Yayoi Baker It’s no surprise that buying a home in San Francisco can present challenges, but the above quote from MEDA clients now enjoying…

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In His Own Words: Santos Cabrera, Client Success Story

I want to thank MEDA’s Robert Lopez for helping me find a job at Green Chile Restaurant. I am very content with my new job. I needed MEDA’s free Workforce Development program’s help to pursue a job because I wanted a better life for me and my family.” Thank you, Santos Cabrera If you are interested in…

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MEDA May 2015 Volunteer of the Month: Ernesto Martinez

Each month, the Mission Economic Development Agency honors one of its dedicated volunteers—the people who are an integral part of MEDA’s ability to provide free services to low- and moderate-income Bay Area residents. Thanks to all of the selfless MEDA volunteers who choose Plaza Adelante as their second home.  Name: Ernesto Martinez Program: Workforce Development Why did…

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MEDA’s New Adelante Fund Starts Offering Small-Business Loans to Low-Income Community

The need MEDA’s new community loan fund — Adelante Fund — is now poised to provide loans to small-business owners who cannot access affordable bank loans. Adelante Fund loans can be used for any business purpose from lease improvements and supplies/inventory to equipment and working capital. Knowing that many small businesses struggle to access the lending capital that…

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MEDA Clients Give Thumbs Up to “Facebook for Business” Event

Turning onto interestingly named Hacker Way in Menlo Park, after a half-hour bus trip down the Peninsula from San Francisco’s Mission District, about 20 MEDA small-business clients were excited to go behind the curtain and be directly provided social media counseling from the innovators at Facebook. All knew they were being afforded an opportunity not…

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“Get Connected!” Event Bridges Digital Divide in the Mission

“I need to understand technology so that I can help my child succeed in school,” explained Mission resident Miriam, who came with her eight-year-old daughter to a free Mission Promise Neighborhood technology event at MEDA’s Plaza Adelante today. Miriam was just one of many Mission residents who dropped by to take digital literacy classes taught by…

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