2060 Folsom Street Affordable TAY and Family Housing in the Mission


Rising in the face of a housing crisis

San Francisco’s Mission District has always been a supportive place for low-income and immigrant Latinos, but it’s now one of the most unaffordable neighborhoods in the country. Between 2000 and 2019, the Latino population of the Mission fell by over 9,000 residents. That amounts to nearly one in three Latino residents in 2000 leaving, whether forcibly or voluntarily, over the next two decades. MEDA is using our years of experience to keep Latinos and working families in the Mission District and help them thrive.

2060 Folsom provides an opportunity to build new affordable family housing in the Mission. The collaboration of Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) and Chinatown Community Development Center (CCDC), working with architects Mithun and Y.A. Studio, will create an active community hub at the corner of 17th and Folsom streets, across from a brand-new park where there is currently a parking lot.

Community input is sought, via planned meetings, so that the final product will best meet neighborhood needs (photo above showcases community visions for 2060 Folsom.)

Anchored by 127 apartments for families and transitional-age youth, we’re creating a design that gracefully maximizes density and offers opportunities for community-building among a diverse mix of residents.

Complementing the affordable housing are high-quality community programs, with birth-to-career resources serving residents and the public: infant/toddler care; a preschool; after-school programs; and activities for youth and young adults.

Our vision for this key site is guided and inspired by the many organizations working to preserve the future of the Mission as home to generations of families and youth. The proposal is particularly informed by insights from the decade-long advocacy and planning for the 17th and Folsom park, spearheaded by People Organizing to Demand Environmental & Economic Rights (PODER), a Mission grassroots organization serving as our team’s community outreach partner.

The City’s goals

Our 2060 Folsom affordable-housing development meets the City’s plans for the site, pursuant to the goals spelled out in the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) Consolidated Plan (2010), the City’s Housing Plan for Transitional Age Youth (2007) and San Francisco’s Ten-Year Plan to Abolish Chronic Homelessness (2004).

History of the site

In September 2011, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved the jurisdictional transfer and purchase of land that includes the site by MOHCD from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), for the purpose of developing affordable housing. At the same time, the BOS approved the purchase of the adjacent PUC land by the Recreation and Parks Department (RPD) for the purpose of developing a neighborhood park.

Connection to the park

San Francisco Recreation and Park Department opened In Chan Kaajal Park, which translates as “My Little Village” in Mayan, on June 23, 2017. There had been decade-long advocacy, spearheaded by PODER, for this 17th and Folsom park, which will anchor 2060 Folsom’s housing.