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MEDA’s community loan fund – Fondo Adelante – is a vehicle for MEDA to provide access to capital to small-business owners who cannot get a loan at a traditional bank.
The service area includes the nine Bay Area counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma.
Many small businesses struggle to access the lending capital that is oftentimes necessary to help these ventures grow. In addition, many families in our community face barriers in accessing mainstream financial products, leaving them to turn to high-cost predatory lenders in times of need. MEDA recognizes the need to now combine our direct services with fair-lending options for our clients; therefore, in 2015 we launched Fondo Adelante to provide fair and affordable lending options.
Fondo Adelante’s microlending program is offering loans of up to $100,000 to San Francisco small-business owners. All loan recipients will receive pre- and post-loan closing technical assistance from MEDA’s Business Development Program, offered in English and Spanish. By supporting our borrowers with business coaching, our loan fund will be able to consider small-business owners who are often deemed high risk by other microlenders. Ultimately, these small-business owners will create jobs within San Francisco’s lower-income communities.
Our loans can be used for any legitimate business purpose: startups, supplies and inventory, equipment, lease improvements, vehicles, purchasing a business, business debt consolidation and working capital.
- We offer fixed-rate term loans that range from $5,000 to $100,000. Our loan products are offered in combination with our business coaching. It is one combined product. We offer our coaching and the loans in English and Spanish.
- We charge 7–9 percent interest, plus a commitment fee of 3–5 percent at loan closing, which is far lower than credit card rates or other non-bank lenders, and is also competitive with many banks.
- We offer 3-year and 6-year terms, and there is no prepayment penalty.
- All loans are reported to the credit bureaus. So, you will be able to build credit with our loans.
- There is no cost to apply.
- ITIN holders are encouraged to apply.
- Our most important approval criterion is establishing that you have the capacity to repay the loan.
- We do not have a minimum credit score, although your credit history will be considered.
Mission Community Loan Fund dba Fondo Adelante serves everyone based on the San Francisco Bay Area.
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