Cinthya Padilla llegó a MEDA en el segundo semestre de 2022 desde San Francisco State University en donde estudió psicología.
Cinthya Padilla llegó a MEDA en el segundo semestre de 2022 desde San Francisco State University en donde estudió psicología.
As the largest free tax preparation site in San Francisco, MEDA now does over 4,000 returns a year – with millions returned to the low-income community. It doesn’t stop there. As clients come to Plaza Adelante to get their taxes done, they are availed of the scope of MEDA’s free asset-building services. MEDA can help…
Sometimes you meet someone and immediately realize that your mission and core values are one in the same. That serendipitously occurred last summer between Mission Bit CEO Stevon Cook and MEDA Technology Training Coordinator Leo Sosa. Sosa had been invited to speak about MEDA’s free Mission Techies program to Mission Bit’s summer 2015 cohort. The venue…
Ramiro Quezada wants only the best for his family. With an infant daughter now part of his clan, Ramiro (photo, right) was compelled to take his passion for computers from avocation to vocation, with the goal of being part of the Bay Area’s booming tech sector. That’s why he walked through the welcoming doors of…
Christopher Gil, Media Communications Specialist (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 7, 2014 MEDA Accepts In-Kind Donation From Google 460 Nexus Devices Donated to Help Financially Challenged Mission District Latinos San Francisco, CA–Google Inc. has made a one-time, in-kind donation to the nonprofit Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA). Google will be…
As a youngster in her native Honduras, Evelys Alvarado never imagined she would one day be teaching computer classes in the United States. While she had an early interest in technology, she had no idea how to transform those skills for her newly adopted home of the San Francisco Bay Area when she arrived here…
Saturday morning, February 22nd, at Plaza Adelante we welcomed Mission District families to get connected to technology! Get Connected! day is a partnership with the Mission Promise Neighborhood and the California Emerging Technology Fund to make sure that every student and family in the Mission has a computer and internet at home, and the resources to use these tools…
Mission Promise Neighborhood Technology Manager Richard Abisla recently stressed the importance of low-cost broadband access to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. At MEDA we are committed to making sure low-income families have affordable broadband access at home. We’ve helped 150 families get connected in the past year and we’re working hard to make sure that EVERY…
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