Christopher Gil, Media Communications Specialist
(415) 282-3334 ext. 152
August 7, 2014
MEDA Accepts In-Kind Donation From Google
460 Nexus Devices Donated to Help Financially Challenged Mission District Latinos
San Francisco, CA–Google Inc. has made a one-time, in-kind donation to the nonprofit Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA).
Google will be donating 110 Nexus 5 devices and 350 Nexus 7 devices to support the organization’s goals regarding digital-literacy initiatives. MEDA provides asset building to financially challenged Latinos in San Francisco’s Mission District, with a major component of its service-integration model being computer skills. MEDA is also the lead agency of the Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN), a citywide community partnership that has been created in support of students and families living, working and going to school in the Mission District. MPN brings together schools, colleges, community organizations, businesses and community leaders to help kids graduate and families achieve financial stability.
The donated devices will have programmatic uses in the tech labs at MEDA, where digital-literacy classes are taught based on varying skill levels. Richard Abisla, MEDA’s Technology Manager, explains the device usage as follows: “It will be great to have these devices to help our low- and moderate-income families, many of which do not have a computing device in their home. For example, families will be able to pay bills online and stay in touch with faraway relatives. Their children will be able to study, conduct research and reinforce in-school learning with online educational applications. This will open a brand new world to these families, thanks to Google.”
Also, MEDA staff will now be mobile, bringing service information to clients offsite, especially in the four schools of MPN. Such use can be applied externally to connect the 26 partner organizations of MPN, with cross-agency collaboration planned.
Hector Mujica, Social Responsibility Strategist & Policy Lead for U.S. Hispanic Community Outreach of Google, summed up the reason for the donation by explaining, “MEDA and Google have a shared mission of improving access to technology, and we’re delighted to support their efforts in the Mission through volunteer work and with this in-kind donation of Android devices.”
About Google Inc.
Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet property and its brand one of the most recognized in the world.
About MEDA
MEDA is a community-based, local economic development agency located in the Mission District of San Francisco. For over 40 years, MEDA has worked to improve economic and social conditions in the neighborhood by stimulating investment, enhancing the business environment, and creating jobs for area residents. MEDA is committed to maintaining the cultural identity and resources of the Mission District.