One-third of San Francisco students have a noncitizen parent who should continue to have a say in their child’s education
One-third of San Francisco students have a noncitizen parent who should continue to have a say in their child’s education
Every year, Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN) administers the School Climate Survey
The It Takes a Village Act will institutionalize this approach so that it is not limited to a few lucky communities
Más oportunidades para los niños de la Mission
El espíritu navideño y las sonrisas de muchos niños regresaron a Plaza Adelante el pasado 15 de diciembre
Lo hecho por LRCL durante la pandemia
La pandemia representó cambios en la forma de trabajar para Good Samaritan
Sharing best practices from our equity-focused collective impact work
MEDA will create breakthrough, transformative and community-resonant strategies that will help positively shape the Bay Area’s future
Una historia inspiradora que muestra el poder del vecindario La Comunidad Promesa de la Mission
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