To celebrate this season of giving and thankfulness, every Wednesday we will showcase staff, Board members, volunteers and clients telling what this Mission District, San Francisco nonprofit brings to their lives.
The challenges facing the Mission District’s low-income Latino residents today can seem daunting, but I’m reminded that this community has a long history of struggle and perseverance. Back when I was growing up, there weren’t many opportunities for the Latino community.
“My mother, a Nicaraguan immigrant, raised four children in the Mission at a time when support services didn’t exist for immigrant families and inequality was universally accepted. I can recall many painful childhood experiences, where hearing racial slurs on the bus was part of the daily norm. Discrimination was much more direct back then; however, I firmly believe that my family’s life would have been different if MEDA had been around when I was growing up in the Mission. This is precisely why I believe so strongly in MEDA’s mission. I believe that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of culture or gender.
“I first became involved with MEDA as a board member because I wanted to work with the Latino community and be part of an organization where people are culturally aware and dedicated to achieving social justice. Ultimately, I transitioned to staff and have worked at MEDA for almost a decade in various roles, from associate director to Business Development program coach and, now, as operations assistant.
“I’ve seen firsthand the impact MEDA has had on the people that come to us seeking help. MEDA has accomplished so much throughout its 42-year history; however, I’m particularly proud of our efforts to acquire Plaza Adelante, which I believe is an important community resource and neighborhood center for the Bay Area. This year, I hope that MEDA can continue impacting even more people. so working-class families can find affordable housing and great schools, and prosper in a city that struggles with income inequality.“
Rosabella Safont
MEDA Operations Assistant
Please donate today to empower your community and help MEDA continue to provide free services to over 7,000 low-income clients each year!
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