Name: Sharon York
Born in: United States
Current Neighborhood: Mission
When and why did you make San Francisco your home?
I came to San Francisco in 1976 following the anti-war movement and became very active. I am currently retired, but considering working again because everything is very expensive in this neighborhood.
How long have you lived in in the Mission?
I have been living in the Mission for 35 years.
What is your current living situation?
I live in a rent-controlled apartment in a 16-unit apartment building.
Are you at risk of displacement?
I have a good landlord, but it is hard not to be afraid of displacement with all the changes in the neighborhood. Only one other senior is still living in the building.
Why does the Mission need affordable housing for seniors?
Many of us long-term tenants in the Mission are seniors living on a fixed income — an easy target for greedy landlords and speculators. We are at higher risk of being displaced, and if there is not enough housing for seniors the only option for us is to move out of the Bay Area or going to the street or shelters. The access to affordable housing for seniors is impossibly long or there are closed waiting list and thousands of applications for the lottery for the few projects. We need more affordable housing for seniors.
What would you ask City leaders/politicians to do to help with the housing crisis?
Stand up for the vulnerable, for the working class and for the seniors living on a fixed income. No more favors and concessions to the developers and landlords.
If they approve market-rate developments — like the one in front of my building in Valencia Street — the affordable-housing units should be at the same pace of the market rate. Politicians, please stand up for us and represent the people.
Do you support affordable housing for seniors in the Mission?
Please sign our petition in support of 1296 Shotwell 100 percent affordable-housing rentals for seniors.
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