Christopher Gil
Senior Content Marketing Manager
Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA)
(415) 282-3334 ext. 152
Nov. 10, 2016
Statement of Unwavering Support for Latino Immigrant Community
MEDA vows to always stand up for its immigrant families
San Francisco, Calif. — For over four decades, MEDA has been a nonprofit at the vanguard of providing free services to strengthen our families, thereby investing in people’s lives. We now serve 7,000+ clients annually, with two-thirds immigrants.
Immigrants have made our nation strong from the start, creating a dynamic country that is the envy of the world. Immigrants start small businesses, are consumers and are taxpayers.
Waves of Latino immigration from Mexico, Central America and South America have long contributed to the growth of this nation’s economy and created a vibrant culture. Most came north to escape political strife or to free themselves from abject poverty in their homelands. That is never an easy decision, but it is a decision that is easier to make when you know there is a safe, welcoming place for you on the other side. MEDA is that place.
MEDA’s mission applies to all — no matter the background story of how a client happens to wind up walking through the welcoming doors of Plaza Adelante in San Francisco’s Mission District. That mission remains “to strengthen low- and moderate-income Latino families by promoting economic equity and social justice through asset building and community development.”
Due to recent attempts to ostracize and vilify the Latino community across the land, MEDA’s commitment to this mission must be stronger than ever. And it will be.
MEDA vows to:
- Work diligently to ensure that San Francisco honors its commitment to remain a strong sanctuary city.
- Implement San Francisco’s recently passed Proposition N, which gives noncitizen residents the ability to vote in school board elections.
- Support our allies fighting for fair and just immigration policies.
- Always stand up against entrenched xenophobia, racism, homophobia, misogyny and any other form of discrimination.
- Uncompromisingly protect and stand up for our immigrant families.
You have our word.
About Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA)
Rooted in the Mission and focused on San Francisco, MEDA’s mission is to strengthen low- and moderate-income Latino families by promoting economic equity and social justice through asset building and community development.
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