Mission District San Francisco Blog - Page 64 of 90


Client Success Story Update: Ada Olmedo on the Bi-Rite Track

On a recent work outing to select produce at a farm in Sonoma, Ada Olmedo had time to reflect on how her life had changed this year. Here she was enjoying idyllic scenery, while garnering work knowledge and feeling part of making a business grow. This contrasts to January 28th, when Ada’s job quickly ended…

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A Face of Mission Displacement: 
Tenant Gabriela Navarro and Neighbors Subject to Intimidation

It’s been a sweet home on Alabama for Gabriela Navarro, as she’s enjoyed her Mission flat and living with a trio of roommates who all equally love life in their diverse community. That all changed recently when the prospective new owners of the property greeted Gaby by initially asking, “What are your plans?” This surprised…

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In Her Own Words: Jennifer Martínez, Mission Techies

Through my time at the Mission Techies program, I was able to greatly expand my knowledge regarding technology. Before coming to MEDA, I knew very little about technology and would have a mini-freakout moment whenever our home technology would have problems because I didn’t know what to do. Through this free program, I believe I am…

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MEDA’s New Director of Asset Building Programs, Lucy Arellano, on Her Vision for the Mission Community

For over four decades, MEDA has been providing free asset building services to a low- and moderate-income, primarily Latino clientele in San Francisco’s Mission District. With programs running the gamut from financial capability to housing opportunities and free tax preparation to small-business and workforce development, MEDA was proud to be able to serve over 6,300…

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MEDA July 2015 Volunteer of the Month: Lee Hoytt

Each month, the Mission Economic Development Agency honors one of its dedicated volunteers—the people who are an integral part of MEDA’s ability to provide free services to low- and moderate-income Bay Area residents. Thanks to all of the selfless MEDA volunteers who choose Plaza Adelante as their second home.  Name: Lee Hoytt Program: Community Real Estate Why…

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1400 Mission Street Lottery winners

1400 Mission Now Home to Twice-Displaced MEDA Clients

Fidgeting. Hair twirling. Foot tapping. Yes, there was an air of nervous anticipation in the air yesterday afternoon at the LGBT Community Center in San Francisco, as the lottery was conducted for below-market-rate (BMR) units at 1400 Mission, a 100 percent affordable-housing development. There were 167 residences for 355 hopeful lottery entrants for these brand-new…

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A Face of Mission Displacement: Chad Xavier, Artist

“A few years ago, you could type in ‘artist studio’ on Craigslist and find plenty of spaces in San Francisco. Now all you’ll find are a couple of spaces, and they are out of reach,” laments Chad Xavier, as he nervously adjusts his cap and ponders his future. A quick look online this morning verified…

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Unlocking Success with Five Keys Charter School at MEDA

Five Keys Charter School started as a way to help inmates obtain their GED. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Office wanted to provide education to inmates, so that they could be prepared for a good life once no longer incarcerated. The program later spread to organizations that were already serving the community. One of these nonprofits…

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Youth Jobs+ A Win for the Community this Summer

Ana is at Yerba Buena Alliance planning an event for 2,500 attendees. Demetrios is at Luminalt soaking up knowledge at this solar panel company. Christian spends his summer days surfing, as in gaining web marketing expertise at ROI-DNA. Yes, summer 2015 means getting much-needed employment experience. This contrasts the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of…

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Mission Community Takes BIG Next Step in Standing up to Luxury-Housing Tidal Wave

Christopher Gil, Senior Content Marketing Manager (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 cgil@medasf.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 15, 2015 Mission Community Takes BIG Next Step in Standing up to Luxury-Housing Tidal Wave Broad-based coalition qualifies moratorium, now has chance for real community-stabilization plan San Francisco, CA – The City of San Francisco Department of Elections today verified the…

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