Mission District San Francisco Blog - Page 47 of 90


Adelante Fund Marks Milestone of $1 Million in Small-Business Loans

Christopher Gil Senior Content Marketing Manager Mission Economic Development Agency (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 cgil@medasf.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 27, 2017 Adelante Fund Marks Milestone of $1 Million in Small-Business Loans MEDA providing loans primarily to immigrants denied access to capital by traditional lenders San Francisco, Calif. — The Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) has reached a…

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MEDA’s Promise to our Families and Partners

MEDA vows to stand up for fairness and equity for all communities being unjustly and immorally targeted. We welcome everyone to Plaza Adelante. MEDA pledges to be a safe place for immigrants: we will not welcome any immigration official presence at Plaza Adelante; we will not turn over any client records; and we will fight any such…

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San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund Launched, Will Help MEDA Secure Housing for Mission Residents Vulnerable to Eviction

”We can’t solve our affordable-housing challenges alone, and I call on the private sector to jump in.” This was a comment from San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee in his 2015 State of the City address. With MEDA being at the forefront of preservation/production of affordable and stable housing in the Mission, the nonprofit echoes that…

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Press Release: MEDA and TNDC Awarded 681 Florida Street Affordable-Housing Development

Christopher Gil Senior Content Marketing Manager Mission Economic Development Agency (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 cgil@medasf.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 16, 2017 MEDA and TNDC Awarded 681 Florida Street Affordable-Housing Development A 130-unit housing and arts project to further stabilize Mission District San Francisco, Calif. — The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) has announced that…

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Apply at MEDA for Below-Market-Rate (BMR) Apartment Rentals at Abaca, 2660 Third Street in Dogpatch

Over a century ago, the Tubbs Cordage Company wove abaca fiber into ropes later used to build the Golden Gate Bridge. Abaca is also known as Manila hemp, growing up to 22 feet high and perfect for making twine and rope. Just the kind of business that lined Dogpatch’s waterfront way back when. On that…

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Embedding Early Care and Education Facilities into Family Housing

by Director of Community Real Estate Karoleen Feng Contributed to by Senior Project Manager Elaine Yee, Mission Promise Neighborhood Program Manager Liz Cortez and Financial Capability Coach Teresa Garcia Most parents know that finding quality care and education for your child is not easy. For immigrant, working families in San Francisco’s Mission District, it’s even more challenging, as…

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Keep San Francisco’s Mission Street an Anchor for our Families

Maria Lopez was pushing a stroller in front of MEDA’s Plaza Adelante, located at 19th Street’s connection to the Mission Street corridor, the main commercial strip of the Mission. When asked if she ever heads one block over to Valencia, the young mother of two laughed nervously and stated, “That street’s not for us.” When…

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Community Organizing Busts Latinos’​ Myths Around Access to Stable, Affordable Housing

by Director of Community Real Estate Karoleen Feng Contributed to by Community Engagement Manager Dairo Romero The worldwide Women’s March the day after the inauguration showcased the power of community organizing to unify people’s voices, plus efficiently disseminate pertinent information. As we position for a future where sanctuary cities, such as San Francisco, will possibly…

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Mission Family Averts Eviction and Finds a New Home in a BMR Rental

Julio Alvarado chose San Francisco’s Mission as his adopted home when he emigrated from Guatemala back in 2000. He felt immediately welcomed in his new community, so much so that when he married and had two kids, the family planted roots in the neighborhood. That comforting sense of place became tenuous when Alvarado and his…

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How the EITC Has a Hand in Strengthening our Low-Income Families’ Finances

Today is the 11th annual “Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day” — an important date at MEDA, where most of our historically underresourced tax clients qualify for this credit that lets them keep more of their annual income so they can better afford basic necessities. In the 2016 calendar year, there were 4,518 tax returns…

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