bmr mission san francisco Archives


Skating Artist Reggie Dickerson on a Roll this Thanksgiving at His New BMR Apartment in The Duboce

“It was heaven on earth.” That’s how Reggie Dickerson (photo, left) describes growing up in San Francisco’s tight-knit Fillmore community. “Everyone lived in big Victorians. I used to roller skate in my bedroom,” remembers Reggie. Having always been an artist at heart, Reggie turned avocation into vocation by becoming a street entertainer — on roller…

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Apply at MEDA for Below-Market-Rate (BMR) Apartment Rentals at Abaca, 2660 Third Street in Dogpatch

Over a century ago, the Tubbs Cordage Company wove abaca fiber into ropes later used to build the Golden Gate Bridge. Abaca is also known as Manila hemp, growing up to 22 feet high and perfect for making twine and rope. Just the kind of business that lined Dogpatch’s waterfront way back when. On that…

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