With the release of its Strategic Plan, MEDA has re-envisioned its work via five measurable results to be achieved for the San Francisco Mission District community by 2020.
This is blog #3 of 5 that will detail these five results.
Result 3: Children and Youth Succeed in School
Definition of result
Through the Mission Promise Neighborhood education intiative, MEDA seeks to ensure children and youth succeed in school through a cradle-to-college-to-career continuum of academic-enrichment services, family empowerment and improved systems.
Description of need
Latino children in San Francisco’s Mission District have some of the lowest pro ciency rates in English Language Arts and Math, EL reclassi cation and college-going rates in San Francisco. The disparity begins early, with less access to high-quality early care and education, and the effects of limited access and opportunity can be seen as early as kindergarten.
MEDA will be creating outcomes for the community around Result 3. This blog will showcase our results being achieved.
Please join us in this work.
Read of all five results — and the entire 60-page strategic plan — via our online flipbook.
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