Almost three dozen Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) team members and community supporters had the opportunity to experience the UnidosUS National Conference – ‘The Power of US’ in Chicago, Illinois.
Upon arriving, the team members met with, sat alongside, and learned from guest speakers, and thousands of fellow UnidosUS affiliate partners, attendees, and allies. The three day conference from Saturday, July 22nd to Monday, July 24th, at the McCormick Place Convention Center was filled with collaboration, innovation and thought leadership.
UnidosUS, previously known as NCLR (National Council of La Raza), is the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization. Through our unique combination of expert research, advocacy programs, and an Affiliate Network of nearly 300 community-based organizations across the United States and Puerto Rico, UnidosUS simultaneously challenges the social, economic, and political barriers that affect Latinos at the national and local levels.
MEDA’s CEO, Luis Granados, has proudly served as the UnidosUS Board Chair, and is celebrating his final year in the role.
The team members who attended left inspired and are thrilled to be back in San Francisco with newly found energy and inspiration as they continue their work in the Mission District and beyond.
“I’m very humbled to have been a part of the UnidosUS conference; it was inspiring and reminded me that there are a LOT of us working towards the same goals, cada quien poniendo su granito de arena,” – MEDA Business Lending Manager, Gloria V. Murillo.
“The UnidosUS conference allowed me to gain perspective on the incredible local initiatives that share a mission to support the Latino community to thrive by working towards equitable, systematic change across the country. Si se Puede!,” – MEDA’s National Partnerships Director, Juan Diego Castro.
“It was inspiring to connect to the national movement around Latino equity and be part of so many discussions around health equity, housing, workforce development, civic engagement, etc, and other issues where MEDA is deeply engaged,” – MEDA’s Director of Evaluation, Rajni Banthia.
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