Name: Amelia Andrade
Born in: Mexico
Current Neighborhood: Mission (Navigation Center)
Ages: 62 years old
Why did you make San Francisco your home?
I came from Mexico looking for a better future. I came to the Mission, but was unable to find a place to stay because of the high rents.
What is your current living situation?
Right now I am homeless and looking for a place to sleep every night. I have a medical condition that requires a surgery, but without a stable place to live, I need to postpone my medical procedure.
Are you at risk of displacement?
I am in the Navigation Center. I find that better than the shelters or living on the street.
Why does the Mission need affordable housing for seniors?
There are many seniors in the shelters coming from the street. Most of the seniors are in vulnerable situations and getting worse because of health conditions. The City has the moral obligation to house them. Most of the seniors were displaced because of increases in rents or evictions by landlords.
What would you ask City leaders/politicians to do to help with the housing crisis?
Build housing that seniors can afford. We request more help because of our fragile condition. Seniors should not have to live on the streets.
Do you support affordable housing for seniors in the Mission?
Please sign our petition in support of 1296 Shotwell 100 percent affordable-housing rentals for seniors.
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