Mission District San Francisco Blog - Page 65 of 90


MEDA’s Mission & Vision Stronger Than Ever After 42 Years

The Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) has been providing asset-building services since the early 1970’s. From business development and financial capability to the Mission Promise Neighborhood and free tax preparation, the mission of MEDA runs through every program, as we continue to provide free services in San Francisco. Mission The mission of MEDA is to achieve…

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MEDA June 2015 Volunteer of the Month: Cathy Willis

Each month, the Mission Economic Development Agency honors one of its dedicated volunteers—the people who are an integral part of MEDA’s ability to provide free services to low- and moderate-income Bay Area residents. Thanks to all of the selfless MEDA volunteers who choose Plaza Adelante as their second home.  Name: Cathy Willis Program: Community Loan Fund Why…

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MEDA’s Mission Techies Young Adult Program Bridging Diversity Gap in Tech

As this morning’s sun shone through the window of Mission resident Ana Avilez’ cramped, one bedroom San Francisco apartment she shares with five other family members, the space seemed to be a little brighter than usual. That’s because the 24-year-old has successfully completed MEDA’s free Mission Techies program for young adults, with the promise of…

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Three Supreme Court Decisions Advance Equality Across the Nation

For over four decades, MEDA has been championing its core value of equity and fairness—the type of equity and fairness showcased by a trio of Supreme Court decisions this week. Health care With regard to health care, the attempt to weaken the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was once again thwarted, now with the backing of…

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Immigrant Heritage Month Story: MEDA’s Leo Sosa

“Get your stuff. We’re leaving.” With those words, spoken by his decade-older brother, Leo Sosa left Guatemala as a frightened 15-year-old. It was the middle of the night in the spring of 1985, with Sosa’s native Guatemala in the midst of warfare. Sosa’s father, a general in the army, had almost been assassinated twice and…

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A Tribute to the Influential Fathers of MEDA Staff

On this Father’s Day weekend, MEDA encourages everyone to take time to celebrate the power of paternal love. We asked MEDA staff to tell what they learned from their dads and how that made them a better person. Here are a few stories. Staff member: Max Moy-Borgen Father’s name: David Aaron Borgen “My father moved to San Francisco…

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Immigrant Heritage Month Story: MEDA’s Lucy Arellano

My family and I immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico when I was a one-year-old. I am the sixth of seven children, and give thanks every day for the privileges I have been afforded throughout my life. It is this gratitude that motivates me to work to support other Latino families to achieve stability, security…

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Client Success Story: MEDA Young Adult Client Ron Chong on the Path to an IT Career

At 24, San Francisco resident Ron Chong was seeking an entry point to the region’s booming tech sector. Having attended numerous tech conferences over the past five years, the young adult knew this was the place for him, as he had always had an interest in the digital world. Ron started his journey with a…

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After Being Displaced by Mission Fire, Business is Blooming Again for Thalia’s Jewelry

Successfully running a two-decades old business is a definite labor of love. Imagine the horror of having that focus of your life seemingly disappear in a couple of hours. That’s the unfortunate story for Araceli and Fernando, owners of Thalia’s Jewelry, one of 31 businesses displaced by the conflagration at Mission and 22nd streets almost…

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MEDA’s Juan Diego Castro Chosen for National Fellowship Program

Christopher Gil, Senior Content Marketing Manager (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 cgil@medasf.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 12, 2015 MEDA’s Juan Diego Castro Chosen for National Fellowship Program Colegio Fellowship Aims for Latinos to be Strong Leaders in their Fields San Francisco, CA—The National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB) announced today that Mission Economic Development Agency’s Housing Opportunities Manager…

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