Mission District San Francisco Blog - Page 57 of 90


MEDA February 2016 Volunteer of the Month: Vianny Ochoa

Each month, the Mission Economic Development Agency honors one of its dedicated volunteers — the people who are an integral part of MEDA’s ability to provide free services to low- and moderate-income Bay Area residents. Thanks to all of the selfless MEDA volunteers who choose Plaza Adelante as their second home.  Name: Vianny Ochoa Program: Free Tax Preparation Why did you…

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Press Conference Regarding Future of Mission and 22nd Streets Structure

Roberto Hernandez Our Mission, NO Eviction latinzoneprod@aol.com J. Scott Weaver San Francisco Tenants Union jscottweaver@aol.com Gabriel Medina Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) gmedina@medasf.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 25, 2016 Press Conference Regarding Future of Mission and 22nd Streets Structure Community demands answers, and the protection of 58 tenants’ right of return San Francisco, Calif. — The Mission…

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MEDA Clients Bank on “America Saves Week”

“America Saves Week” is a campaign managed by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America. This organization uses the principles of behavioral economics and social marketing to abet savings in low- to moderate-income households. The ultimate goal is to build wealth. This year’s dates for “America Saves Week” are Feb. 22 to 27. This mission aligns…

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MEDA Lends Support as California Reinvestment Coalition and Other Organizations Advocate for State Laws to Stop Payday-Loan Abuses

A look across Mission Street this morning revealed a queue waiting patiently at a payday lender a stone’s throw away from MEDA’s Plaza Adelante. This is unfortunate, as MEDA works to promote financial stability for its over 6,800 clients, with staff knowing that predatory lending is a major issue for low-income communities. This is especially…

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Community Opposes Order in Place to Raze Mission and 22nd Streets Structure

Roberto Hernandez Our Mission, NO Eviction latinzoneprod@aol.com J. Scott Weaver San Francisco Tenants Union jscottweaver@aol.com Gabriel Medina Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) gmedina@medasf.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 22, 2016 Order in Place to Raze Mission and 22nd Streets Structure Community demands protection of 58 tenants’ right of return San Francisco, Calif. — The Mission community…

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CRC Guest Blog: Families Win When Banks Stop Funding Displacement

by Executive Director Paulina Gonzalez, California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC) Displacement of long-term San Francisco residents has become an all-too-common trend. Families, seniors, people of color, and other low- and middle-income renters are being pushed out of their homes to make way for higher-income, usually less-diverse renters and homebuyers; however, this displacement isn’t happening in a silo….

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MEDA January 2016 Volunteer of the Month: Emerson Quinoñez

Each month, the Mission Economic Development Agency honors one of its dedicated volunteers — the people who are an integral part of MEDA’s ability to provide free services to low- and moderate-income Bay Area residents. Thanks to all of the selfless MEDA volunteers who choose Plaza Adelante as their second home.  Name: Emerson Quiñonez Program: Workforce Development (Mission Techies) Why did…

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Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: State and Local Officials Join to Explain Importance of New California EITC

“Use it or lose it!” Those powerful words from State Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma, at a press conference held at MEDA today, underscored the importance of getting out the message about the state’s new Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Ma fears that if not enough Californians take advantage of this credit, politicians in Sacramento…

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MEDA and SFCLT Save Five At-Risk Properties Using City’s Small Sites Program

Christopher Gil Senior Content Marketing Manager Mission Economic Development Agency (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 cgil@medasf.org Tracy Parent Organizational Director San Francisco Community Land Trust (SFCLT) (415) 399-1490 tparent@sfclt.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 10, 2016 MEDA and SFCLT Save Five At-Risk Properties Using City’s Small Sites Program Work with MOHCD to save longtime San Francisco tenants from…

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Citi and MEDA Release Taxes White Paper, Are Interviewed by San Francisco Treasurer José Cisneros

With tax season now underway, there is a clear need to seize the moment to provide asset building services to the low-income community. That is why Citi and MEDA have just released a white paper, “Key Elements of Service Integration of Asset Building Services at Tax Time,” to showcase the success of their model. (Read the white paper.)…

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