It’s been another impactful year by MEDA as our nonprofit worked to best support the Latino and immigrant community of San Francisco (read our 2021 “By the Numbers.”)
We always gauge that impact via measurable results, and even during the COVID-19 crisis we have stayed true to our six results.
Our six Results are:
Result 1: Families are financially thriving
Result 2: Families have affordable and stable housing
Result 3: Children and youth succeed in school
Result 4:The Mission is a strong and supportive community for Latino residents, businesses and institutions
Result 5: San Francisco’s Latino residents are decision-makers in the institutions and political systems that affect their lives
Result 6: Nationwide, organizations rooted in historically underserved communities are equipped to ensure that families, workers and small businesses thrive
As we continue our transformative work, we hope you will join us in amplifying our collective impact in MEDA’s 2022 priority areas of income, housing, business and health equity.
Thank you for your continued partnership.
Photo by Kalei Peek on
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