MEDA is committed to ensuring the Mission District retains its historic and current identity as a strong Latino community, and a welcoming place for immigrants and the generations of Latino families who have long called the neighborhood home. This means that Latinos of all income levels are able to call the Mission District their permanent home, along with the small businesses and community institutions serving them. We envision a family-friendly community offering affordable retail, restaurants, early care and education, housing, arts and culture, blue-collar jobs, parks and transit that create a neighborhood of opportunity.
Following is a story of a neighborhood venture representing the type of family-serving business MEDA looks to help thrive.
Owner: Sergio Pina
Business: El Corazón Gallery
Address: 2949 Mission St.
Type: Retail
Product: Furniture
What gave you your idea to start your business?
Since I was a small child I worked in the furniture industry.
What has your experience been opening a business in the Mission?
I have known many people and have helped many people, especially with the housing crisis that we are going through in San Francisco.
How does your business/business idea relate to your life?
Very easy: My business and my clients are my life. We are one together.
Why should potential customers invest in small businesses?
Because apart from having a good product, I care. I want to make sure my customers are happy with their investment.
Where do you see your business in five years?
Of course, in the Mission, with me continuing to help the Latino community of the Mission.
What do you love about the Mission?
The Mission is part of my family. It is full of culture and a variety of customs and lifestyles of many countries. We Latinos should stay united to remain a strong culture.
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