Welcome. My name is Luis Granados, and I am the CEO of the Mission Economic Development Agency.
December is a month of traditions and reflections. As we take this moment to rededicate 462 Duboce as quality, stable housing for our residents and neighbors, I would like reflect on how MEDA began this journey.
It was four-and-a-half years ago when taking on HUD Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), seemed like a daunting process for our MEDA. After all, this work was brand new for us. And for the City of San Francisco, it was a definite leap of faith to transfer ownership and management of buildings across the City to nonprofit owners who promised to rebuild both the properties and the resident communities.
Well, what we envisioned at the time is now a reality, as evidenced by this rehabbed building commemorating our collective achievement for community.
Partners responsible for this achievement include:
- City officials
- Lenders
- Our nonprofit partners
- Co-developer BRIDGE Housing
- Community members
- And residents of 462 Duboce
Each of you had a key role in making 462 Duboce the quality affordable-housing development it is today. Please give yourself a round of applause.
I would be remiss to not mention the late Mayor Ed Lee, who passed away just about a year ago on Dec. 12. He was raised, along with his five siblings, in Seattle’s public housing. As mayor, he championed the effort for the refurbishment of these buildings in San Francisco. I know Mayor Lee would be pleased looking around at this remodeled property, where residents can live in dignity. 462 Duboce — and the many other RAD converted public housing developments across our City — are a true testament to his legacy. I thank Kate Hartley, and her team from the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, for being here to represent the City on his behalf.
What was the vision for RAD properties? It was to create:
- Functional, quality homes for our seniors and disabled residents.
- Welcoming community spaces.
- And community ownership of their spaces.
Redefining public housing was our goal — and I am proud to say that this goal is being met.
462 Duboce is just one of five RAD properties MEDA has now successfully rehabbed — all part of the Mission-Castro cluster that totals 439 homes preserved.
Again, I want to extend my gratitude to everyone involved in making 462 Duboce affordable and quality housing.
MEDA also appreciates all of your support in the two other components of our affordable-housing strategy:
- We are preserving affordable housing using the City’s Small Sites Program, with 22 buildings in our portfolio, comprising 177 units.
- Plus, we are constructing new affordable housing, with five developments in the pipeline for the Mission District. That’s 557 more affordable units. We expect to have a ground breaking every three months over the next year.
Clearly, we could not do this without the great MEDA team. This modest and mighty team has a strong vision, which is matched by an equal strong sense of urgency. I feel very fortunate to be working alongside them.
At MEDA, we will continue continue to work with each of you to ensure that San Francisco residents of all incomes have the option to call San Francisco their permanent home.
Finally, I want to especially thank the residents of 462 Duboce. You entrusted us as stewards of your longtime home. It was a pleasure for our team to get to know each of you during our monthly tea time community meetings, and as we went through the vulnerable process of relocating you temporarily during construction. You shared your inspiring stories, and your lives, which is always a gift. We are rededicating this building to you because of how much you mean to us and the broader San Francisco community.
Read press release.
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