2018 Annual Report Released, Ties MEDA’s Work to “The Big Picture”

MEDA is excited to announce the release of its 2018 Annual Report, in print and online editions.

Called “The Big Picture,” the 24-page report centers on the inspiring story of the Luz Rodriguéz family of five, which exemplifies the typical immigrant story of seeking a better life, especially for the next generation. As the reports weaves the narrative of Luz’ family strengthening, her client journey hits all five of MEDA’s results around: Family Wealth; Housing; Schools; Power; and Place. This translates to Luz building family wealth, securing stable housing, taking an active role in the Mission Promise Neighborhood’s education collaborative, making her voice heard in the political realm, and understanding the importance of having family-serving businesses and culturally relevant services for other immigrant families who have adopted San Francisco’s Mission District as their new home.

“I want to be a stronger leader,” exclaims Luz, who is already showcasing such leadership skills. This even includes a trip to the Capitol in Sacramento to advocate for a bill to end child poverty in California. Luz sees the big picture.

Luz’ story is one of just 7,400, which is the number of clients served by MEDA in 2018. And those 7,400 clients are part of a national movement of building equity through Latino wealth, place and power.

This work would not be possible without a steady, diversified funding stream: A budget of $11,876,285 now comes from federal monies, grants, City of San Francisco funding, rent, developer fees, interest, donations and other sources.

The Annual Report also showcases other impressive numbers achieved by the end of 2018:

  • 3,268 positive financial outcomes.
  • 4,943 tax return prepared for free, with $6.14 million returned to the community.
  • 475 Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITINs) prepared
  • 1,173 units of affordable housing preserved or in the pipeline to be produced (since program inception)
  • 93 business created or expanded.
  • 75 Fondo Adelante loans totaling $2.26 million (since program inception)
  • 35 new homeowners, and 51 families in new below-market-rate housing
  • 301 Mission Promise Neighborhood families assisted with below-market-rate (BMR) applications
  • 531 referrals within the Mission Promise Neighborhood collaborative
  • 592 community leader trainees
  • 10 policy priority victories

Additionally, in 2018 501(c)(3)MEDA started its affiliated 501(c)(4), Mission Adelante. Working to ensure that San Francisco Latinos are decision-makers in the institutions and political systems that affect their lives, Mission Adelante organizes and activates community members, develops and advocates for legislation, regulations and government programs that most impact the Mission community, and investigates and publicizes the positions of elected officials and candidates concerning their support for improved quality of life for Mission Adelante’s community.

2019 promises to generate all-the more impact as we continue to share our replicable models as part of a national movement to build Latino wealth and power.

It’s called the big picture.


Read our 2018 Annual Report online flipbook.

If you would like print version(s), please email development@medasf.org.


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