Mission District San Francisco Blog - Page 81 of 90

Gabriel Medina Ellis Act Evictions

MEDA’s Policy Manager Gabriel Medina Speaks in Sacramento to Slow Ellis Act Evictions

On Tuesday, April 8th, an important hearing was held in California’s state capital of Sacramento. SB 1439, put forth by assemblyman Mark Leno, would allow San Francisco to have jurisdiction over the state law for evictions, commonly called the Ellis Act. The city wants to enforce a five-year minimum of property ownership before Ellis Act…

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Granger Tripp Tax Program

MEDA March 2014 Volunteer of the Month: Granger Tripp, Tax Program

Each month, the Mission Economic Development Agency honors one of its dedicated volunteers—the people who are an integral part of MEDA’s ability to provide free services to low- and moderate-income Bay Area residents. Thanks to all of the selfless MEDA volunteers who choose Plaza Adelante as their second home.  Name: Granger Tripp (photo center) Program:…

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MEDA Client Success Story: Alessandra Nieto Finds a Job

Alessandra Nieto, a 26-year-old residing in Oakland, came to the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) because she was frustrated by the seemingly daunting task of obtaining full-time employment in San Francisco. Helpful friends, who had received job-readiness training from MEDA’s talented Workforce Development Department, had referred her to our Mission District nonprofit, which annually offers…

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Making Tech His Mission in the Mission

MEDA’s Richard Abisla Named “2014 Broadband Champion” MEDA is proud to announce that the renowned California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) has named our Technology Manager, Richard Abisla, a “2014 Broadband Champion.” Richard is being recognized for his hard work to close the growing digital divide. The champions were selected by CETF in consultation with dozens…

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Mission District San Francisco Town Hall Addresses Lower-Income Residents’ Concerns

MEDA facilitates school meeting about housing crisis and families under stress On March 19th, Bryant Elementary in the Mission District played host to an insightful Housing Town Hall to bring the community together to express their concerns about the rising cost of San Francisco apartments. Turnout exceeded expectations—emblematic of the breadth of the issues facing…

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Affordable Housing for Mission District San Francisco Residents

The Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) and BRIDGE Housing Corporation propose to co-develop and preserve the Mission/Castro cluster, a grouping of over 400 apartments for seniors, to sustain and expand affordable housing opportunities in San Francisco. With this partnership, the power of MEDA’s community-based vision and asset-building approach will be complemented by BRIDGE’s strength as…

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Disconnected in a Neighborhood of Tech Workers

Saturday morning, February 22nd, at Plaza Adelante we welcomed Mission District families to get connected to technology! Get Connected! day is a partnership with the Mission Promise Neighborhood and the California Emerging Technology Fund to make sure that every student and family in the Mission has a computer and internet at home, and the resources to use these tools…

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