Mission Techies Archives - Page 3 of 3


In Her Own Words: Jennifer Martínez, Mission Techies

Through my time at the Mission Techies program, I was able to greatly expand my knowledge regarding technology. Before coming to MEDA, I knew very little about technology and would have a mini-freakout moment whenever our home technology would have problems because I didn’t know what to do. Through this free program, I believe I am…

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MEDA’s Mission Techies Young Adult Program Bridging Diversity Gap in Tech

As this morning’s sun shone through the window of Mission resident Ana Avilez’ cramped, one bedroom San Francisco apartment she shares with five other family members, the space seemed to be a little brighter than usual. That’s because the 24-year-old has successfully completed MEDA’s free Mission Techies program for young adults, with the promise of…

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Young Adult Graduates Celebrate with MEDA

Plaza Adelante was filled with youthful enthusiasm yesterday, as 10 Young Adult program graduates celebrated the successful completion of their courses. The families of clients, MEDA staff and community members were on hand to applaud the achievements of these latest cohorts. MEDA’s free programs are aimed at young adults from underserved communities, offering a path…

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LinkedIn Invites in MEDA’s Mission Techies

Ramiro Quezada wants only the best for his family. With an infant daughter now part of his clan, Ramiro (photo, right) was compelled to take his passion for computers from avocation to vocation, with the goal of being part of the Bay Area’s booming tech sector. That’s why he walked through the welcoming doors of…

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Combined MEDA Mission Techies Program and HandUp Donations Change a Life

At 24 years of age, Jordan Wood was lacking direction. After all, summoning up the fortitude to better one’s life is no easy task when you come from an underserved community. Jordan was referred to MEDA by Goodwill. Initially, the young man had little knowledge of the booming tech sector in the Bay Area, as…

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Blizzard Entertainment a Force for Change with Computer Donation to MEDA’s Mission Techies

“Most of our Mission Techies do not have a computer at home. Their families are financially challenged, so this donation is exponentially helping many more people in the community,” explains Leo Sosa, Technology Training Coordinator, of the generous donation from a gaming giant, Blizzard Entertainment. To showcase the needs of Mission Techie Academy (MTA) participants,…

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Social Enterprise at Work: Mission Techies Tackle a Taxing Task

After a productive 2014 tax season–with almost 3,400 clients served at no charge and more than $5.3 million in refunds garnered–MEDA’s seemingly tireless Free Tax Preparation staff and 120 volunteers were a bit worn down. Unfortunately, so were some of the tax department computers. Action was needed to get these laptops refurbished for the reminder of…

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Mission Techies Give Unanimous Thumbs Up to Visit to Facebook Campus

Mission Techie Yaritza opened her weary eyes this morning upon awakening in her Mission District home, the 17-year-old Lowell High senior not sure what her day would bring. She and 18 other Mission Techies, from MEDA’s third cohort of its free young adult program, had been graciously invited to tour the campus of tech giant…

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Tech Volunteers Teach Mission Techies to Code

When MEDA’s Technology Manager Richard Abisla mingled at a Facebook-sponsored Happy Hour in the Mission, he met Kurtis Nusbaum of the tech giant’s Messenger Team. Their discussion about the Mission Techies—financially challenged youths aged 17-24 who learn free IT skills at MEDA—led to Kurtis volunteering to teach code to the fortunate group last night from…

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Mission Techies Graduation

Graduation Day! Mission Techies Program Starts Young Adults on Path to IT Careers

It was a big day around MEDA’s bustling Mission neighborhood center, Plaza Adelante, on Friday, April 11th. During the past three months, the first class of Mission Techies has been learning varied computer skills to launch them on their upward journey to a successful career. MEDA sees this as a way to bridge the growing…

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