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San Francisco’s Community Opportunity to Purchase Act: Reflections On COPA One Year In

by Associate Director of Community Real Estate Johnny Oliver With it being almost one year since the implementation of San Francisco’s pioneering Community Opportunity to Purchase Act, known as COPA for short, we were asked by SPUR to reflect on the successes and challenges of this program that aims to preserve affordable housing. It is…

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El Señor Raúl Vásquez Evita el Desalojo, Encuentra un Nuevo Hogar Económica en la Mission en Casa Adelante – 1296 Shotwell de MEDA

(English follows Spanish) por Alejandro Bautista Raúl Vásquez (también conocido como Don Raúl) nació en Guanajuato, México, en 1954. A los 23 años ya tenía una familia propia: una esposa, dos hijas y tres hijos. Fue un desafío para Don Raúl poder mantener económicamente a su familia. Fue entonces cuando decidió pedir ayuda a su…

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San Francisco Celebrates Renewal of Mission Dolores “Redefining Public Housing”

Christopher Gil Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 28, 2020 San Francisco Celebrates Renewal of Mission Dolores “Redefining Public Housing” Taking the helm for fiscal matters of a scaling organization with increasing national influence San Francisco — Officials will join Mission…

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Topping Out Ceremony for Casa Adelante – 2060 Folsom 100% Affordable-Housing Development, Anticipated Spring 2021 Move-In Date

The sky was the limit today, a milestone being reached when the top girder was raised on the ninth floor of MEDA’s Casa Adelante – 2060 Folsom 100% affordable-housing development in San Francisco’s Mission District. This topping out was on schedule, at exactly one year and a day after breaking ground at a former parking…

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An Explanation of the San Francisco Educator’s Downpayment Assistance Loan Program

Co-authored by: MEDA Housing Opportunities Program Manager Laura Ospina Landed Relationship Manager Azul Cortez Laura Ospina and Azul Cortez answer frequently asked questions about the San Francisco Educator’s Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (DALP). What is the Educator’s DALP? For example, how much can an educator receive in funds, and what types of homes can be…

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Equitable Affordability: Citi Community Development, Grounded Solutions Network Announce MEDA as a Community Land Trust Accelerator Fund Recipient

Photo: 2205 Mission St. in San Francisco. Christopher Gil Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 2, 2020 Equitable Affordability: Citi Community Development, Grounded Solutions Network Announce MEDA as a Community Land Trust Accelerator Fund Recipient Flagship capital grant program advances housing…

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Mayor Breed Announces Preservation of Affordable Housing in the Richmond District

Christopher Gil Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dec. 12, 2019 Preservation of Apartment Building in the Richmond District Prevents Eviction Twelve residential homes will remain permanently affordable thanks to the City’s Small Sites Program San Francisco — Mayor London N. Breed…

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Fondo Adelante Rapid Acquisition Fund Poised to Build Capacity of Small Sites Program Across San Francisco

Co-authored by: Director of Fondo Adelante Nathanial Owen  Chief Strategy Officer Lucy Arellano Baglieri (Part 2 of 2) Small Sites. It’s anything but small. Once a $3 million pilot program with MEDA, the San Francisco Small Sites Program is today a $40 million per year housing preservation strategy funded through a combination of City general…

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MEDA Harnessing the Power of San Francisco’s Small Sites Program, 25 Buildings and 400+ Residents Saved So Far

Co-authored by: Director of Fondo Adelante Nathanial Owen  Chief Strategy Officer Lucy Arellano Baglieri (Part 1 of 2) How does a longtime community-based organization in a span of five years go from solely providing direct services to becoming an innovative affordable-housing developer? Well, MEDA’s trajectory has been unique, but it is a model now ready…

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Mayor London Breed Tours 100 Percent Affordable Senior Housing at Casa Adelante – 1296 Shotwell to Advocate for Prop A Passage

Christopher Gil Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 11, 2019 Mayor London Breed Tours 100 Percent Affordable Senior Housing at Casa Adelante – 1296 Shotwell to Advocate for Prop A Passage Prop A will fund hundreds more homes for San Francisco…

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