small sites program mission sf Archives


MEDA Harnessing the Power of San Francisco’s Small Sites Program, 25 Buildings and 400+ Residents Saved So Far

Co-authored by: Director of Fondo Adelante Nathanial Owen  Chief Strategy Officer Lucy Arellano Baglieri (Part 1 of 2) How does a longtime community-based organization in a span of five years go from solely providing direct services to becoming an innovative affordable-housing developer? Well, MEDA’s trajectory has been unique, but it is a model now ready…

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Mayor London Breed Announces Acquisition of Housing and the El Rio Bar Through the City’s Small Sites Program

Christopher Gil Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) (415) 282-3334 ext. 152 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 9, 2019 Mayor London Breed Announces Acquisition of Housing and the El Rio Bar Through the City’s Small Sites Program Eight residential homes in the Mission-Bernal Heights neighborhood will remain permanently affordable as…

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