bmr rental san francisco Archives


Affordable Housing Now a Reality for Five Moscone Elementary School Families

While the Mission Promise Neighborhood education initiative focuses on four schools — Bryant and Chavez elementary, Everett Middle and O’Connell High — the fact is all schools within the Mission footprint are deemed part of MPN. That why families at Moscone Elementary School, located on Harrison between 21st and 22nd streets, receive connections to free…

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Flores Family

Surviving 22nd and Mission Fire, the Resilient Flores Family Wins Lottery for a BMR Apartment in San Francisco

The nightmares persist after more than two years. Jorge Flores can still see his hair on fire as he bangs on the next-door neighbor’s door at 22nd and Mission streets. His family’s third-floor apartment of 19 years was in flames, along with the rest of the historic building. It seemed like an apocalypse. Jorge waited…

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