MEDA business clients, don’t miss out on this opportunity – register today! By phone: 415.282.3334 lsl
MEDA business clients, don’t miss out on this opportunity – register today! By phone: 415.282.3334 lsl
To mark the 2012 Thanksgiving holiday, Mayor Ed Lee and the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) will gave away 100 turkeys to low-income Latino families in San Francisco. During the season of giving and celebrating things we are thankful for, it’s important to remember that many San Francisco families are struggling every day to simply…
The Del Norte Prospector, CO recently featured Latino Tech-net center The Monte Vista Computer Empowerment Center in an article about their state of the art computers available to the computer. Read article below or click here to go directly to page. Window to the world opens here Posted: Friday, Oct 26th, 2012 MONTE VISTA — Located in the heart…
Become a volunteer and help thousands save millions in tax returns.
¡Viva MEDA!, our 39th Anniversary Celebration was a huge success, with over 200 friends, family, community members, supporters, and government officials present to celebrate our honorees as well as MEDA’s impactful work. It was a great opportunity to bring our message of economic justice across to many people who will be important in supporting our…
With the help of Citi, Verizon, and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, MEDA is bridging the gap between technology and best business practices for our low-income Latino small business owners! MEDA recently concluded a client survey to assess the impact of its integration of technology courses and trainings with its services for Latino small…
Check out the pictures from Saturday, August 25th Backpack Giveaway Event at Garfield Square. We successful gave out 2,100 backpacks filled with supplies and goodies to San Francisco returning students. There was also a resource fair, bbq and youth activities for the families to enjoy. We would like to thank all our volunteers, the Mayor’s…
MEDA would like to thank the tax program volunteers for their hard work and dedication which made MEDA’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program such a great success for the 2012 tax season. $4,574,146 in refunds were given, more than double the amount in 2010 when the program was started. Please see below for specific…
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information Anna M. Gomez highlighted the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) and the important work of providing access to technology to the Latino community. Click here to visit link. July 06, 2012 by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information Anna M. Gomez I recently had the opportunity to…
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