MEDA policy work mission san francisco Archives


MEDA Joins Thousands for “Día Sin Inmigrantes” May Day March in San Francisco

Chanting “Sí, se puede” and “No Wall,” several thousand Bay Area residents rallied this May Day at Justin Herman Plaza and then marched down San Francisco’s Market Street to City Hall, making their voices heard as a way to show solidarity and support for workers across the globe. That includes the immigrants who have long…

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MEDA’s Promise to our Families and Partners

MEDA vows to stand up for fairness and equity for all communities being unjustly and immorally targeted. We welcome everyone to Plaza Adelante. MEDA pledges to be a safe place for immigrants: we will not welcome any immigration official presence at Plaza Adelante; we will not turn over any client records; and we will fight any such…

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