b'valuesOUR CORE VALUESEQUITY.We create programs and change policies to expand REFLECT HOW WE BEHAVEopportunities for Latinos and other historically underserved communities, to ensure justice is never limited by race/ethnicity, class, AS AN ORGANIZATION,gender identity, age, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, BOTH INTERNALLY ANDcountry of origin and disability status.ACTIVATION.Our work is grounded in the experience and expertiseEXTERNALLY. STAFFof our community members, mobilizing local leaders to reverse MEMBERS AT ALL LEVELSdisplacement and promote local ownership of neighborhood establishments, cultural institutions, business capital and homes. OF MEDA EMBODY THESEAUDACITY.We are risk-takers who lead with courage, put forth new VALUES ON A DAILYsolutions to our communitys challenges and continuously adapt to BASIS THROUGH THEIRchanging circumstances.ACTIONS, COMMITMENTSTOGETHERNESS.In solidarity with fellow organizations committedto advancing equity, the MEDA team creates partnerships locally, AND PASSIONS. THESEregionally, statewide and nationally, sharing our model and building VALUES REFLECT HOWcoalitions in a movement toward social justice.WE COLLECTIVELY WORKIMPACT.Our goal is to eradicate our communitys problems, not only to help our clients develop coping strategies. In order to create this TOWARD OUR MISSION ANDlasting change, we continuously monitor the impact of our servicesVISION, AS SHOWN ON THEas well as use data to drive program improvements and inform our policy agenda. FOLLOWING PAGE IN OUR THEORY OF CHANGE.MEDAs Casa Adelante1296 ShotwellCompleted December 2019STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-247'