b'KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Establishing and managing MEDAs data systems. The Evaluation team collaborates with staff to enhance our Salesforce database; better align our data systems and service model; and innovate new methods of tracking, measuring and reporting our work.Demonstrating the impact of our work. Using data from our tracking systems and program assessments, Evaluation develops narratives and analyses that illuminate the effects of our programs on our clients and their families well-being.Advancing program improvement. Members of the Evaluation team regularly serve as internal trainers and facilitators, collaborating with program staff to enhance usage of our data systems, resolve challenges with service delivery and plan for program growth.Evaluation Using data to strengthen MEDAs advocacy efforts. Our program data and research products help MEDA make our case with key stakeholders, as we push for policy changes, public resources and support from officials to address community needs.MEDA IS RARE AMONG LATINO-SERVING ANDSTRATEGIC PRIORITIESCOMMUNITY-BASEDFor the 2021-24 planning cycle, Evaluation has prioritized efforts to:n Ensure that community voices and perspectives are at the center of ORGANIZATIONS, WITH AMEDAs evaluation activities, processes and products so they reflect DEDICATED EVALUATIONthe people we serve.n Fully leverage MEDAs technology, using a human-centered design TEAM THAT OVERSEESapproach to align data platforms with staff needs and strengths, as OUR NONPROFITS DATAwell as facilitate service delivery.n Establish a regular cycle of process evaluations, with the goal of COLLECTION, MANAGEMENTdriving program improvement through staff collaboration over AND ANALYSIS. INinternal assessments of our programs.n Foster a culture of evaluation at MEDA, where staff take shared ASSESSING OUR IMPACTownership in the organizations data platforms and program ON OUR COMMUNITY,assessments, and feel empowered to engage in evaluative efforts.EVALUATION SUPPORTSCOVID-19 IN CONTEXTOUR PROGRAMS As MEDA quickly altered its programs to meet urgent client needs INTERNAL GROWTH WHILEduring the pandemic, the Evaluation team also pivoted their data DEMONSTRATING THEsystems and program assessments to align with these changes in service delivery. New client-data collection practices enabled Evaluation to track IMPORTANCE OF OURthe impacts of our remote service model, and craft data-driven narratives on COVID-19 and Latinos in San Francisco. Shifts in programs WORK WITH OUR EXTERNALduring the pandemic offered Evaluation the opportunity to refine MEDAs PARTNERS. data systems and build staff familiarity with evaluation as a tool for program improvement.30MISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY'