b'TO ACHIEVE THESE SIX RESULTS AND CREATE THE CHANGE WE WANTTO SEE, LOCALLY AND NATIONALLY.1Families 2are financially Missionthriving Familieshave affordable Rooted in San Franciscos Mission and stable District, MEDA is advancing a national housing equity movement by building Latino 3 prosperity, community ownership and Children and civic power.youth succeedin school 4visionThe Mission is astrong and supportive We envision generations of community for LatinoLatino families choosing where to 5 residents, businesses call home, thriving economically, San Franciscos and institutions succeeding in learning opportunities, Latino residents are and leading policy and social change decision-makers in thetoward a more equitable society.institutions and political systems that affect 6their lives Nationwide,organizations rooted ASSUMPTIONSin historically underserved communities are equipped MEDAs place-based framework is a strong to ensure that families, basis to build equityworkers and small MEDAs programs effectively support clients businesses thrive well-being across generationsMEDA has capacity and standing to influence local, state and national policyMEDAs track record of success enables growthSTRONG INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT RISKS PROGRAM STRATEGIES, ADVANCE COMMUNITYAnti-equity forces in San FranciscoAnti-equity, anti-immigrant and anti-Latino GOALS AND SUSTAIN THE ORGANIZATION politics at multiple levels of governmentFinancial and health outcomes of COVID-19 STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-249'