b'theory of changeMEDA OFFERS THESE PROGRAMS,AND EMPLOYS THESE PROVEN STRATEGIESSUPPORTED BY OPERATIONSa.Direct wealth-building services for individuals and families b.Housing continuum: homelessness to homeownershipand investment Assetc.Preservation and production of affordable residential/Building commercial real estate d.Multigenerational family wraparound services withCommunity a b g e k l m n age-specific supportsReal Estate e.Collective Impact partner network through MissionPromise Neighborhoodb c f g e l m n FondoAdelante f.Infusion of equitable, anti-displacement capital for(CDFI) business and real estateMission g.Mitigation of gentrifying businesses and support forPromise a c f g l m n Latino-serving businesses Neighborhoodh.Civic leadership development of clients, families and volunteersa d e h i j k l m n Policy & i.Grassroots community engagement using theAdvocacy promotoras model j.Policy analysis and advocacy; community leadership c g i j k l m n development and activation k.Strong referral networks and coalition-building at local,state and national levels l.Cross-community capacity-building and wealth-building m. Sharing MEDA organizational strategies on a national scalen.Restructuring of services to meet clients urgent needs during the COVID-19 pandemicCommunicationsEvaluation Diversity of public, private and philanthropic funding streamsOperations Finance Standard operating procedures and investment in strong financialsFund Development Data-driven decision-making with comprehensive data systemsHuman ResourcesStaff are representative of the communities that MEDA serves& Operations8MISSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY'