b'KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Administering strong risk management and compliance systems.The Finance team manages organizational risk by ensuring that MEDAs complex financial structure adheres to the laws and regulations governing 501(c)(3) activities. Compliance is foundational to building a financially secure, effective organization.Monitoring MEDAs financial health in consultation with staff and Board. Finance develops and tracks fiscal metrics, which allow the staff and Board to efficiently and regularly monitor our financial systems. Financial monitoring is essential to minimizing risk and generating self-sustaining business lines.Maintaining financial reporting and accounting with external stakeholders. Finance oversees MEDAs accounting requirements, and reports our financial health to our funders and partners. By informing Finance external stakeholders about our effective use and management of our resources, Finance facilitates strong stakeholder partnerships.Guiding business strategies through financial forecasting. Finance THE FINANCE TEAMleads the organizations annual business planning, developing fiscal analyses and projections to support the Board through key fiscal OVERSEES THE FINANCIALdecisions. Financial planning grows our reserves and builds our capacity, HEALTH OF MEDAS FIVEenabling us to innovate programming and expand our work.BUSINESS LINES, MITIGATESSTRATEGIC PRIORITIESORGANIZATIONAL RISKFor the 2021-24 planning cycle, Finance has prioritized efforts to:AND DEMONSTRATESn Augment staff capacity and financial systems to enhance resource management and ensure effective application of funds to meet OUR EFFICIENCY INorganizational and community needs.RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.n Deepen integration with Development to inform and alignfundraising priorities.FINANCE ENSURES OURn Utilize financial analyses of each individual program and business line SUSTAINABILITY, OURto drive organizational strategies around budgeting, fundraising and sustainability.GROWTH AND OUR ABILITYn Increase financial reserves as part of MEDAs broader risk TO SERVE OUR COMMUNITYmanagement strategies.FOR YEARS TO COME.COVID-19 IN CONTEXTTo help MEDA navigate through the economic crisis posed by COVID-19, Finance shifted to accommodate rapid changes in MEDAs revenue and expenses. The Finance team integrated budgets for novel crisis-response services into MEDAs financial systems, while adopting new approaches to budgetary forecasting. These maneuvers allowed MEDA to develop innovative programming to meet client needs, while weathering a fiscal crunch and planning for an uncertain post-pandemic future.STRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2431'