b'KEY STRATEGIESMEDAS STRATEGIES REFLECTnSTRONG REFERRAL NETWORKS AND COALITION-BUILDING AT LOCAL, STATE,OUR DIVERSE APPROACHNATIONAL LEVELSOur alliances with Latino-serving and Latino-led organizations are a key part of TO LATINO EMPOWERMENT.our work to build Latino leadership and advocacy at all levels of policymaking, WE CHAMPION POLICY ANDfrom local to statewide to national.STRUCTURAL CHANGE THATnPOLICY ANALYSIS AND ADVOCACY; COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND ACTIVATIONWILL IMPROVE THE LIVES OFnCIVIC LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT OF CLIENTS, FAMILIES AND VOLUNTEERSMEDAs Policy team works to advance legislation that supports Latino LATINOS, AND WORK WITHresidents well-being and civic participation. We also engage community OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERSmembers with skill-building activities that cultivate the experience to take on leadership roles in local organizations, institutions and public agencies.TO HELP THEM THRIVE AS nGRASSROOTS COMMUNITY OUTREACH THROUGH THE PROMOTORAS MODELCIVIC LEADERS AND LOCALThe promotoras community outreach program empowers community ACTIVATORS. members as local leaders and community liaisons. Promotoras help MEDA to disseminate information, offer critical resources, provide select services and facilitate community engagement activities with local residents.There have been only FIVELATINO/LATINACOVID-19 AND MEDAS RESPONSEcitizens on San Franciscos 11-person Board of COVID-19 further exposed the consequences of Latinos underrepresentation SUPERVISORS within the public and private institutions that led the pandemic response. The since 2000 overwhelming rates of infection among Latinos in San Francisco reflected a public health response that struggled to contain the uneven spread of the virus across the city. In this climate, MEDA and other Latino-serving nonprofits VOTER TURNOUT: organized along multiple avenues to hold local decision-makers accountable to San Francisco had thethe needs of working-class Latino residents.highest rate of Latino votern As a catalyst for the Latino Task Force for COVID-19, MEDA successfully turnout statewide in thelobbied the City to commit millions of dollars in additional funding for 2012, 2016 and 2018Latino-serving programs, add testing sites and coordinated with fellow general elections service providers to enact City-funded relief programs.n MEDA shared critical information about COVID-19 and community resources MEDAs through our community networks and digital platforms, to ensure that our promotoras community residentsespecially Spanish-speaking community memberscould best outreach workers engagedensure their families safety.3,082 n We also strengthened our promotoras community outreach program, COMMUNITYempowering these community ambassadors to serve as remote service MEMBERS providers and contact tracers.to encourage We will continue to fight for San Francisco Latinos to have a seat at the table to participation in the 2020 ensure an equitable and inclusive financial recovery from the pandemic.U.S. CensusSTRATEGIC PLAN 2021-2425'