b'Mission Promise Neighborhood 2 0 1 9 N U M B E R S696 Families worked with by Family Success A Community Anti-Poverty Coaches (FSCs)Education Initiative,207 1 FSC referrals to community partnersThe Mission Promise Neighborhood ,034 1 Community partners referrals made(MPN) brings together 15+ Mission-based organizations showcasing a common106 Families who submitted 609 below-market-rate agenda and shared measurementto(BMR) applications with the help of FSCseconomically strengthen families so that94% Mission District babies born at normal weight, their children succeed academically. getting off to a good start in life and being The result is the building ofready to learngenerational wealth. MPN has scaled,531Kinder-transition portfolios provided to familiesnow serving families at nine K-12 schools,three early learning centers and 11 family71% Kinder-readiness for Pre-K students enrolled in the Mission and whose family accessed one or child care providersconnectingmore partner servicesfamilies to services, supporting students284Participants offered Abriendo Puertas parentand guardians in schools, and usingleadership trainingResults-Based Accountability to define365and measure outcomes. In its first sixFiesta Comunitaria attendeesyears, this cradle-to-career continuum(Abriendo Puertas community event)has shown dramatic results.87%Graduation rate at target high school8'