b'MEDA is all about IMPACT. Always have been . and alwayswords of inspiration from a number of high-profile individuals will be.that included Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and civil rights icon Dolores Huerta. Tomaintainahealthyorganizationduringthepandemic,a pivotwasneededbytheFinanceandFundDevelopmentWhenthepandemichit,ourtraditionalnumberstogauge teams, jointly tasked with keeping our nonprofits fiscal healthimpact seemed to shift, and it rang true that qualitative data strong. Development found new sources of funding, as grantswas equal in importance to the quantitative. The latter required geared toward COVID-19 relief were popping up. A numberredefined better-off measures, as MEDAs work has been based were won, with a balanced budget assured for 2020 andin Results-Based Accountability (RBA) for a number of years. beyond (see Page 18). The Evaluation team rolled up its sleeves and determined the outcomes needed to showcase impact during the crisis, even Individual donations were stronger than ever, some comingsharing its model with other organizations.from local philanthropists looking to directly support families in need. Additionally, our virtual annual gala in October broughtWhile impact was measured differently this year, the numbers in many new grassroots, mid-level and major donors, withyou see throughout this 2020 Impact Report showcase our con-IMPACT a crisis of epic proportions. This many viewers heeding our call-to-action. Thousands weretinued efforts to create generational assets coupled with a tri-engaged by lively music, a powerhouse all-Latina panel andage approach mandated by pivot enabled our Mission low- income Latino and immigrant community to best weather the pandemic, with the hope of coming out the other side pre-pared to once again return to our longtime goal of families thriving. That is the overall way by which MEDA will always gauge impact.14 IMPACT'