b'SPOTLIGHT ON:SHAREPeople take notice when you have successfully started to turn the tide of displace-ment in the epicenter of gentrification in the U.S. They also ask questions and look for insight into how best practices can be incorporated into their own work. MEDAs THEnatural evolution has been to share its model across the land, from rural com-munities to urban centers. Our lines of work are varied, running the gamut from MODEL affordable housing and CDFI small business lending to financial capability and pol-icy & advocacy. Since we have showcased success in San Franciscos Mission Dis-trict, then this model canand mustbe replicated in other low-income communities of color combatting the endemic challenge of a lack of opportunity Buildingcaused by rising income disparity. Think of communities such as Roxbury in Boston, the vast farming towns of Central California or Boyle Heights in Los Angeles. Our capacity ofend game is to build up the capacity of nonprofits with aligned missions so that we together foster a movement to break down systemic inequities.nonprofitsTo catalyze this movement, MEDA will be creating its own Institute for Equitable Recovery. A stellar consulting team from the University of California, Berkeleylocally andthe Haas School of Business program Social Sector Solutionswill be partnering with us to develop a comprehensive plan to bring this nascent project to fruition in 2022. We will be taking a community-centered approach to drive a collective racial across theequityconversationwithfunders,philanthropists,policymakersandnationwide nonprofit partners. This is not envisioned as a purely stakeholder discourse: Com-nation munity voice will be integral, with those facing a lack of economic opportunity offered a dignified space to tell their stories, always driven with hope. Collectively, we must leverage that hope to ensure words translate into action so no low-income community of color ever again faces the disproportionate effects of a crisis, whether that be another pandemic, a natural disaster or one caused by humankind.Equity is one of MEDAs five core values. Equitable recovery is now our North Star.18'