table housing Affordable and stable housing is fundamental to health, employment, educational achievement and economic security. MEDA seeks to ensure that families are housed in permanently affordable housing, and are not spending more than one-third of their household income on rent. We want to help families own affordable homes in San Francisco, stay in their rent- controlled or affordable units, and access newly created affordable opportunities in the Mission District and beyond. C ommunit y S p otlight D efinition R e s ult 2 GOAL:  To find long-term affordable and stable housing after being displaced — along with 58 other residents and many small businesses — in a January 2015 fire at Mission and 22nd streets action:  With finances strengthened, below-market-rate apartment was secured in a recently constructed building in San Francisco GOAL:  Infill building of vacant lots such as site of fire at Mission and 22nd streets action:  Land-bank parcels for future affordable housing, especially anchoring the Mission Street and 24th Street commercial corridors Flores Family Striving toward recovery after fire M E D A A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 17 9