24. Mi visita al Capitolio / My visit to the Capitol
As a community of women seeking better working conditions, we went to Sacramento to influence decisions that this group of legislators makes for all of us – to put an end to the displacement of our families, who cannot live in the Mission because the law favors those with more resources. There is much injustice in our city and we are not willing to endure more. As domestic workers, despite working long hours we do not earn enough money to live with dignity and we are not able to spend much time with our children. This affects their health and emotional development. With our presence and voice in Sacramento we worked to pass laws to improve conditions for domestic workers. We did it!
PhotoVoice Exhibit Credits
CASAH-SF Team Ada Alvarado Karen Cohn Shivaun Nestor Laura Olivas Dairo Romero |
Exhibition Volunteers Leticia Contreras Lili Dominguez Margarita Herrera Cynthia Melgoza Lucia Obregón Liliana Ocegueda Sarah Saavedra |
Community Partners Felton House Homeless Prenatal Program Mujeres Unidas y Activas Good Samaritan Family Resource Centers |
Additional Funding From First5 San Francisco San Francisco Public Health Foundation |
Special Thanks To: Ana Alfaro Alison Bell Ayanna Bennett Serena Chuong Carmen Campuzano Karoleen Feng Barbara Garcia Christopher Gil Mary Hansell Alicia Leon Jhong Laurel Koomak Edward Mamary Melissa Martin Joshua Nossiter Liliana Ocegueda Nancy Sarieh Dawn Surratt Samy’s Camera (John, Neko, Troy, & Yesica) Bertha Villalobos |