Summer Newsletter 2014

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General Information: (415) 282-3334 
June 23, 2014
The Latest from MEDA and your
Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN)
Mission Mural
2013 Annual Report 

In the words of MEDA’s Executive Director Luis Granados: “With 40 years of achievement under its belt, I am proud to announce that 2013 was MEDA’s most impactful year to date. We successfully launched the Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN), established several new departments and programs, doubled the size of our organization and accelerated the development of our service integration model.”

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2014 Tax Stats 
Harnessing the power of hard-working MEDA staff, volunteers and partners, the 2014 tax season proved the most successful ever. A record $5.3 million was secured for 3,397 low-income families . . . all at no cost to the families. Check out the numbers.

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Also, read Mission Local’s story on MEDA’s Free Tax Preparation Program.

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Also, read TechCrunch’s story on MEDA bridging the digital divide.
“Get Connected!”
On May 17th, MEDA and MPN hosted its second “Get Connected!” event of the year, presented by Google and LinkedIn. There were 175 attendees and 20 tech volunteers teaching classes. This event was part of the effort to get every Mission District family connected to low-cost internet and a computing device in their home by 2018.

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*Save the Date*

August 9th

WHAT? MPN Backpack Giveaway, Resource Fair and “Get Connected!” Event at John O’Connell High School, presented by Google, LinkedIn, and the Mayor’s Office of San Francisco.

WHY? Approximately 2,000 families will attend to receive free backpacks, technology workshops, access to community resources, raffles for various prizes . . . and much more.

October 23rd

WHAT? “¡Viva MEDA!”–MEDA’s 41st Anniversary Event at Yoshi’s in San Francisco, honoring Angela Glover Blackwell, Pamela H. David, Mario Paz and Kevin Stein.

WHY? An estimated 300 guests will partake in exquisite cuisine, fabulous drinks, and a live musical performance to support MEDA’s work.

November 15th 

WHAT? Get Connected! Event at Plaza Adelante, presented by Google.

WHY? About 175 families will receive onsite digital literacy courses, access to low-cost, high-speed internet and free entry into raffles.

*Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities available for all events

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