Family Council Photovoice 2023

The Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN) Community Report Card is a collaborative effort involving community members and MPN staff. It serves as the inspiration for the Photovoice project, which aims to provide space for families by highlighting key insights into the barriers faced by the community.

During the project, families engaged with the report card to understand the significant challenges confronting their community. From these insights, participants identified two key barriers that resonated with their own experiences. These insights were then shared through the Photovoice project, facilitated by Ana Avilez, who served as the Family and Youth Engagement Specialist at the time, and Juan Mesa, the Community Communications Manager.

Participants in the Photovoice project were guided in using cameras to capture images that reflected their daily lives and the challenges they faced, connecting to the key insight they chose to speak on. Alongside these images, they wrote short narratives that conveyed the messages they wished others to see, feel, and understand about their experiences. This process enabled participants to not only document their realities but also to advocate for change and raise awareness within their community.

Overall, the Community Report Card and the Photovoice project represent important tools for community engagement and self-empowerment, enabling families to voice their concerns, share their stories, and work towards addressing the barriers that impact their lives.

You can learn more about the Community Report Card work by reading these blogs:

To learn more, you can read blogs on the Mission Promise Neighborhood Blog and Blue Shield Blog.

For leadership opportunities with MEDA and MPN, connect with Susana Gil-Duran at

See the photogallery:

Libre como las aves

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