Michelle Reiss-Top Archives


10,000 BMR Applications Showcases Community Outreach Success, With Need Still Great

Walk in MEDA’s neighborhood center, Plaza Adelante, on any given Wednesday afternoon and you will see dozens of determined community members, during walk-in hours, seeking housing assistance from a trusted neighborhood organization. It is not easy securing affordable apartment rentals, and the application process can seem daunting, especially if you have a language barrier or…

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Mission Promise Neighborhood Data-Sharing Tool Showcased by MEDA in Salesforce Webinar

Data. Information. Facts. No matter how you say it, sharing data can be powerful, but it takes the right opportunity and a team of experts to make that a reality. That opportunity came from the Department of Education three years ago, with the creation and funding of the Mission Promise Neighborhood – a federal initiative…

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Mission Promise Neighborhood Data Sharing Among Partners Now a Reality

“The price of light is less than the cost of darkness.” –Arthur C. Nielsen, market researcher and founder of ACNielsen  The need and challenge Michelle Reiss-Top (photo, top right) definitely understands the aforementioned quote about data. MEDA’s technology and data systems manager was tasked with implementing and optimizing Salesforce internally–a Herculean task by itself. Imagine…

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A MEDA Thanksgiving, Latino-Style

Guest Blog by Teresa Morales Mission Promise Neighborhood Community Engagement It was an early Thanksgiving feast, Latino-style, held at MEDA’s Plaza Adelante on November 14th, with staff and promotoras sharing a meal. It was time to give a year-end thanks to these amazing community outreach workers, the six women who began working with MEDA and…

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