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1 2014 Annual Report Businesses 21 started by our clients Victor Caicero Business Development Client Antigua Coffee Shop Its a long journey from growing up with limited opportunities in an impoverished small town in Mexico to opening your own restaurant in the trendy foodie-filled Bay Area. Thats the inspiring story of Victor Caicero an immigrant who came to the United States with a dream that is now a reality for this entrepreneura dream that came to fruition with the assistance of the Business Development team at MEDA. 1 Our Impact Last year 6300 low- and moderate-income clients walked through our doors in the Mission Districtmore than four times the number of families we served in 2010. As income disparity widens across the nation and the City faces a housing crisis of unprecedented scale MEDAs efforts to empower San Franciscos lower-income and Latino families are more urgent than ever. MEDA is pioneering groundbreaking strategies to help families build assets achieve higher incomes and financial health and secure stable housing. Through the Mission Promise Neighborhood we are collaborating with the San Francisco Unified School District and a host of vital community partners to ensure that every child in the Mission District is on track to thrive from cradle to college and beyond. In 2014 we launched two new programs that will keep the Mission District inclusive and equitable for all. Our Community Real Estate program is our effort to preserve and produce 1070 units of affordable housing in the next five years. MEDAs Adelante Fund will provide accessible and affordable loans to businesses and residents. Projecting 90 small-business microloans and 225 consumer loans over the next three years Adelante Fund will generate new jobs and financial stability for our families. We have proudly served the Mission District for 42 years and this is a crucial moment in our trajectory to provide the leadership vision innovation and commitment necessary to ensure that San Franciscoand the Mission remains a community that low- and moderate-income Latino families can call their permanent home. On behalf of our staff Board of Directors and communities that we serve thank you for choosing to partner with MEDA. You make our work possible Luis Granados Executive Director Mission Economic Development Agency MEDA Our Mission The mission of MEDA is to achieve economic justice for San Franciscos low- and moderate- income Latino families through asset development. Community service 42 years in the Mission Front Cover Mia Maritza Hernandez Mission Promise Neighborhood student. Photo credit Alain McLaughlin Photography 2 Our Asset Building Programs Financial Capability Empowering families to achieve lifelong financial health and economic success. Clients 716 Positive financial outcomes includes improving debt income savings or credit 1195 Reduced debt by 5 151 clients 172 outcomes Increased credit score 25 236 clients 341 outcomes My financial coach talked to me not at me. Financial Capability Client De De Tillman Business Development Helping small businesses thrive in our community. Business training clients total served 390 Businesses created 21 Jobs created 47 Loans packaged includes Secured Credit Cards 44 Total amount packaged 395600 I hope to provide a better and more stable life for my new family in the U.S. and my family back in Mexico. I also look to create opportunities for other people who are coming to this country looking for a better life. Business Development Client Victor Caicero Housing Opportunities Sustaining families through affordable housing and homeownership opportunities. Workshop participants combined 885 One-on-one counseling combined 401 New homeowners 41 Foreclosures prevented 4 Families financially ready to purchase a home 175 We are in our new home which we love Thanks MEDA for the invaluable assistance in putting us on the path that led us here. Homeownership Clients Chris and Yayoi Baker SparkPoint San Francisco MEDAs Plaza Adelante has become the SparkPoint San Francisco center with the valued sponsorship of United Way of the Bay Area. SparkPoints experts help families create step-by-step action plans to tackle their unique financial needs via the service-integration model of MEDAs innovative Asset Building Programs. First-time homebuyers 175 families financially ready to purchase a home after workshops and coaching 3 Rosa Segura Workforce Development Client I worked at Safeway for over 13 years as a sandwich maker and was laid off. I began receiving unemployment and was looking for work for nine months. I went to MEDA and met Job Coach Robert Lopez who helped me apply online for many opportunities. He showed me how to do applications on the computer and kept me motivated. I finally found a job as a sandwich maker with Corner Bakery Caf a new company here in San Francisco on Market Street. I enjoy my new job and I really appreciate MEDAs help. Job placements 241 for the community 4 Minnie Wolford Tax Client Minnie is the sole caregiver of her 96-year-old mother who suffers from several ailments. In the past the government taxed the income Minnie received from federal and state programs to provide such care. Aware of a new law enacted in February MEDAs tax team knew that the IRS and the state of California no longer deem that money taxable income. The tax team completed amended returns for three back years. The result a 6216 refund for this community member. Tax returns 3831 prepared for free for the community 5 Tax Preparation Providing low-income families with access to refunds credits and services that help them achieve their financial goals. Tax returns prepared 3831 ITINs prepared 81 FAFSA applications 110 Percentage change in monetary returns from 2010 10284 VITA tax volunteers 120 Self-employed tax clients 130 Tax Preparations Returned to Community It takes the combined effort of enthusiastic volunteers and our dedicated MEDA staff to do thousands of tax returns for free for our low-income clients. The refunds obtained can often be a major income source for our clients. Tax Preparation Program Manager Max Moy-Borgen Technology Internet Bridging the technology divide for low-income Latino families. Digital literacy clients 313 Microsoft certifications 35 In-home computer provided and high- speed internet access obtained 518 I advise clients that digital literacy is a must for everyone. Technology Manager Jacinto Noriega Workforce Development Creating opportunity for families through innovative training placement and retention services. Clients 696 Job placements 241 Young Adult clients Mission Techies 59 Young Adult clients Bilingual Bank Tellers 40 I never thought I would work in such a beautiful hotel. Workforce Development Client Yohana Rodriguez Having recently hired MEDAs client Edwin we cut our training cycle in half since he was already well prepared for an IT Support Engineer job. Evan Jones CEO of Jones IT who hired Young Adult Program Client Edwin Gonzales a Mission Techie 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4.50 3.60 2.44 5.50 5.25 Our Asset Building Programs continued Dollars returned to the community 5.5 million via free tax preparation in 2014 6 With our two-generation approach as families succeed students succeed. My vision is to ensure opportunities exist and students have supports around them to help seize such opportunities. Mission Promise Neighborhood Deputy Director Raquel Donoso The Mission Promise Neighborhood MPN is an initiative to ensure that every student graduates college ready to succeed and families are connected to systems of support. MEDA is the lead agency for this collaborative that brings together schools colleges community-based organizations city agencies businesses and community residents to create a cradle-to-career path for Mission children and youth. The Mission Promise Neighborhood targets students at Cesar Chavez Elementary School Bryant Elementary School Everett Middle School and John OConnell High School. Number of students in four target schools 1616 Number of children ages 05 in the Mission 2569 Number of partner organizations and government agencies 33 Number of children and adults served by MEDApartner organizations 5725 Number of families that created a Family Success Plan via family success coaches at four schools 276 Number of families connected to social support services i.e. housing assistance legal services after-school programs or summer programs 407 Number of families provided financial coaching 462 Children 2569 ages 05 in the Mission Our Mission Promise Neighborhood Source School Accountability Report Card School Year 201314. Social Explorer Tables ACS 2009 to 2013 Five-Year Estimates SE ACS 20092013 Five-Year Estimates Social Explorer U.S. Census Bureau. Students 1616 in four target schools 7 Working toward economic success 462 families provided financial coaching Karina Acevedo Financial Capability Client Karina and her son Chuy photo left showcase how the Mission Promise Neighborhoods two-generation approach works to make our families lives better. Financial Capability Program Manager Jackie Marcelos photo right explains this clients case I worked with Karina on building her credit with a Secured Credit Card plus helped her access a Fresh Start Saver loan. Looking to make Chuys future bright Karina now puts money each month into a Kindergarten 2 College account offered by the City and County of San Francisco. I have suggested that Karina make a will and we are even researching life insurance policies to ensure that her son who has specials needs will always be protected. I am also assisting Karina in finding a new apartment as her rent has tripled and the home is in bad shape. MPN providing this range of services is vital to a familys economic success. 8 MPN 3-in-1 Back-to-School Event August 2014 I am glad to know that there is so much available for my family. I never knew there were so many agencies willing to help stated Mission resident Lydia as she clasped a grouping of brochures and her beaming daughter showed off her new backpack stuffed with school supplies. Lydias comments echoed those of the community last Augusta community that came out in the thousands to get free backpacks take computer classes and receive free services. It takes a community effort to make a far-reaching program such as MPN a success. It takes partners. It takes everyone in a community feeling they have a stake. Mission Promise Neighborhood Partners Causa Justa Just Cause Childrens Council San Francisco Council of Community Housing Organizations Department of Children Youth and their Families Felton Institute First 5 San Francisco Good Samaritan Family Resource Center Instituto Familiar de la Raza Jamestown Community Center John W. Gardner Center La Raza Centro Legal Mission Economic Development Agency Mission Graduates Mission Language and Vocational School MLVS Mission Neighborhood Centers MNC Mission Neighborhood Health Center MNHC My Path Nurse-Midwives of SF General Hospital Parents for Public Schools PPS Raising A Reader Refugee Transitions San Francisco Department of Public Health San Francisco Department of Technology San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development San Francisco Office of Mayor Ed Lee San Francisco Treasurers Office of Financial Empowerment San Francisco Unified School District SFUSD Seven Tepees Streetside Stories Support for Families of Children with Disabilities UCSF Hearts UCSF Infant-Parent Program United Way of the Bay Area 9 MEDA has implemented two new programs to complement our Asset Building Programs and the Mission Promise Neighborhood. MEDAs five-year commitment to the Mission 1070 units by 2020 Pilot-period consumer loans 225 by the end of 2017 Our New Programs Community Real Estate To preserve and produce affordable housing and commercial real estate for low- to moderate-income residents and community-serving businesses. 2015 2016 2017 Public housing preservation 400 0 0 Small Sites apartments preservation 40 40 100 Plaza Adelantemixed-use Small Sites preservation of square footage 30000 30000 40000 Single-room occupancy hotels preservation 0 100 100 MOHCD sites production 150 80 200 Community Loan Fund Adelante Fund is a brand-new vehicle for MEDA to provide vital capital and lending options to the low-income community in San Francisco. 2015 2016 2017 Small-business microloans 20 30 40 Pilot-period consumer loans 0 75 150 We want our families to have knowledge around their rights resources and ways to be involved in solutions for their housing crisis. Director of Community Real Estate Karoleen Feng 10 Our Clients Unduplicated Clients 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4735 3871 1364 6311 5669 Income Level Immigrant Status Language Preferred language-Spanish Preferred language-English Preferred language-Other 35 7 58 Unduplicated clients 6311 offered free services at Plaza Adelante neighborhood center in 2014 HUD AMI 100 AMI Not Low Income 24 20 48 8 Born in U.S. Immigrant 65 35 San Francisco Area Median Income AMI levels 71350 ...................... One-person household 81500 ...................... Two-person household 91700 ...................... Three-person household 101900 .................... Four-person household 110050 .................... Five-person household Source U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development published March 6 2015. 11 Where MEDA Clients Live Mission District 94130 94104 94109 4 94112 13 94124 6 94110 21 94102 4 94103 6 Tenderloin Downtown Other San Francisco 16 combined Outside San Francisco 22 Outer Mission Crocker Amazon Bayview Excelsior Bernal Heights Visitacion Valley SoMa 3 94134 5 0.50 1 2 Miles N Mission Promise Neighborhood ZIP codes of Mission Economic Development Agency MEDA clients based on residence in 2014. Percentage of Clients by ZIP Code 94102 4 94112 13 94103 6 94124 6 94104 3 94134 5 94109 4 Other SF 16 94110 21 Outside SF 22 3 35 69 1019 20 12 Our Budget and Staff Budget Staff 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3.03 4.74 3.80 10.12 8.33 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 32 20 11 58 42 Budget 10.12 million dollars in 2014 Personnel 58 on staff in 2014 Our Vision With the past and present life of the Mission District as MEDAs inspiration in the long term we envision generations of Latino families that remain part of vibrant diverse proud and forward-thinking communities where residents own homes and businesses and are actively engaged in the civic life of their neighborhoods and the institutions that affect their lives. MEDA is committed to ensuring that these families maintain sufficient assets to provide them and future generations with the opportunity to call San Francisco their permanent home. Volunteers 1300 hours of time donated 13 Our Funders Sponsors and Donors Funders and Sponsors MEDA deeply appreciates the continual support of our mission to achieve economic justice for San Franciscos low- and moderate-income Latino families. PioneerPionero 50000 Funders California Emerging Technology Fund Center for Financial Services Innovation Citi City and County of San Francisco Human Services Agency City andCounty of San Francisco Mayors Office of Housing and Community Development City and County of San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development FINRA Investor Education Foundation JPMorgan Chase Co. Marcled Foundation Mimi and Peter Haas Fund StartupEducation State of California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General The Kresge Foundation The San Francisco Foundation U.S. Bank U.S. Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement U.S. Department of Health Human Services Administration for Children Families Office of Community Services United Way of the Bay Area Walter Elise Haas Fund Supporter Partidario 50049999 Funders Bank of America Bank of the West BBVA Compass Best Buy Boston Private Bank Trust Company Capital One Charles Schwab Bank Cisco Meraki City and County of San Francisco Department of Public Health Comerica Bank Dr. Teeth the Electric Mayhem Enterprise Community Partners Inc. Facebook First Republic Bank Friedman Family Foundation Genentech Foundation Google HomeownershipSF Jones IT Consulting LinkedIn Mission National Bank National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders Rainbow Grocery Sams Club San Francisco Federal Credit Union U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Union Bank University of California San Francisco Wells Fargo We thank the following individual donors for contributing 500 or more Anonymous Andy Bowles and Veronica Castillo William Cartagena Craig Cheevers Cindy Clements Raquel Donoso Katie Ferrick Jenny Flores and Anthony Valle Matt and Vanessa Ginzton Lydia Gomez Luis Granados Gloria Guzman Cheryl Lazar Tatania Llanes Jesse Martinez Jami McKenzie Paulette J. Meyer and David A. Friedman Sergio Monzon Sharon Moy and David Borgen Moy Tomas and Dolores Pea Leigh Phillips Trevor Potter Lisa Spinali Frank Yeary We thank the 361 other individual donors to MEDA for their vital contributions. 2014 individual giving 100 by MEDA staff and Board Mission Economic Development Agency MEDA Plaza Adelante 2301 Mission Street Suite 301 San Francisco CA 94110 415 282-3334 1338-02032015 2014 Board of Directors Leigh Phillips President Director San Francisco Office of Financial Empowerment at City and County of San Francisco Jane Duong Vice President Director of Programs Advocacy National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development Whitney Jones Treasurer Director of Housing Development Chinatown CDC My Do-Kruse Secretary City of Daly City Economic Community Development Department Jenny C. Flores Community Affairs Manager Bank of the West Karling Aguilera-Fort San Francisco Unified School District Kavita Gobburi Loan Officer Northern California Community Loan Fund Matthew Haney Executive Director of the University of California Student Association Jabari Herbert Former Executive Director Alliance for West Oakland Development Jesse Martinez Founding Team Member at Latinosphere William Ortiz-Cartagena Owner Cartagena Consulting Kevin Stein Associate Director California Reinvestment Coalition Management Team Luis Granados Executive Director Christi Baker Director of Asset Building Programs Cindy Clements Director of Operations Raquel Donoso Mission Promise Neighborhood Deputy Director Karoleen Feng Director of Community Real Estate Monica Lopez Director of Evaluation Nathanial Owen Community Loan Fund Director John Sedlander Finance Director Jillian Spindle Director of Development